Monday, August 10, 2009

week 2 Lecture

Computer is from the early development of the electric calculator. In 1945, emerged in the world's first electronic digital computer "ENJAC", used to calculate the trajectory. By the University of Pennsylvania Moore School of Electrical Engineering-made, but it's huge in size and covers an area of more than 500 square meters and weighing about 30 tons, consumed almost 100 kilowatts of electricity. Clearly, the high cost of such computers, the use of the inconvenience. In 1956, the birth of the transistor computer, which is a second-generation computer. Just a few of the cabinets can be a bit more, computing speed is greatly improved. Emerged in 1959 is the third generation of integrated circuit computer.
70s from the beginning of the 20th century, this is the latest stage of computer development. To 1976, by the large-scale integrated circuits and ultra large scale integrated circuit made of the "Craven on the 1st," the computer into the fourth generation. The invention of ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, so that computer continuously towards smaller, miniaturized, low power, intelligent, systematic replacement of direction.
20th century 90's, the computer to the "smart" development, manufacturing, similar to the human brain with computers, can be thinking, learning, memory, network communication and so on.
The 21st century, is a notebook computer, and miniaturization and specialization, speed of operation per second over one million times, not only simple, inexpensive, and can replace part of people's mental and even expanded in some areas people Intelligent. Thus, today's micro-electronic computer was called the image to the computer. The world's first personal computers from IBM introduced in 1981.
Internet began in 1969, is in the ARPA (the U.S. Department of Defense Research Projects Agency) under an agreement to develop the southwestern United States universities (UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles Campus), StanfordResearchInstitute (Research Institute of Stanford University), UCSB ( University of California) and UniversityofUtah (University of Utah)) of the four major computer linking. The agreement of the BBN and the University of Cambridge, MA, at the beginning of December 1969 online. To June 1970, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Harvard (Harvard University), BBN and SystemsDevelopmentCorpinSantaMonica (Santa Monica, California System Development Corporation) to join. To January 1972, Stanford (Stanford University), MIT'sLincolnLabs (Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory), Carnegie-Mellon (Carnegie Mellon University) and Case-WesternReserveU () to join. The months immediately following the NASA / Ames (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Mitre (), Burroughs (), RAND (Rand Corporation) and theUofIllinois (State University) also joined. Growing number of companies after the WTO can not in this list.
In 1968, when Senator TedKennedy (Ted. Kennedy) won the ARPA heard Agreement BBN as an internal message processor (IMP) ", he sent his message to congratulate the BBN won their" inside information processor, "the agreement shown spirit. Internet was originally designed to provide a communications network, even by nuclear weapons to destroy a number of locations can work properly. If most of the direct channel access, routers, communication of information will guide through the middle of the spread of routers in the network.
The initial network is to the computer experts, engineers and scientists use. At that time, was not friendly. That time has not yet home and office computers, and any one of those who use it, whether it is computer experts, engineers or scientists have to study very complex systems. Ethernet LAN ----- majority agreement, appeared in 1974, it is the Harvard University students BobMetcalfe (Bob. Metcalfe) in the "information packet radio network" by-product of the paper. This paper was originally due to insufficient analysis has been rejected by the school. Later, he also added a number of factors, it is accepted.
Since the TCP / IP architecture development, the Internet in the seventies with the rapid development of this architecture is the first BobKahn (Bob. Kahn) put forward in the BBN, and then from Stanford University, Kahn (Kahn) and VintCerf (Winterthur. Cerf) and the seventies of the others further developed. Eighties, DefenseDepartment (U.S. Department of Defense) to adopt this structure, to 1983, commonly used by the world as a whole structure of the system. 1978, UUCP (UNIX and UNIX Copy Protocol) was proposed by Bell Labs in the past. In 1979, based on the UUCP Usenet network system development. News Group (discussion group on a certain theme) followed by development of its world-wide in the exchange of information provides a new approach. However, the news group is not considered to be part of the Internet, because it does not share the TCP / IP protocol, it is connected to the world through the Department of UNIX systems, and many Internet sites have full use of news groups. News Group is the world in the development of the network is a major part of. Similarly, BITNET (a unit of the World Education to connect computer networks) to connect to the World Education Organization on the IBM mainframe at the same time, started in 1981 to provide mail services. Listserv software and other software was developed for the services of the network. Gateway has been developed to connect BITNET and the Internet, while providing e-mail delivery and e-mail discussion lists. These e-mail listserv and other discussion lists formed another development of the Internet an important part.
When the e-mail (e-mail), FTP (file downloads) and telnet (remote login) commands are provided for the standardization, the study and use the network for non-engineers and technicians is very easy to change. Although in any case there is no so easy today, but in the universities and the field is indeed very special to promote the application of the Internet. Other departments, including computer, physics and engineering departments, also found that the benefits of the use of the Internet, that is with the University of communications around the world and share files and resources. Library, but also a step forward so that they can search the directory for the world.
Search the Internet's first achievement was invented in 1989 by PeterDeutsch () and all the members of the McFillUniversity in Montreal created for the FTP site they set up a file, later named Archie. This software can periodically reach all open file download sites, listed in their files and create a searchable index of software. Archie is a UNIX command search order, so that only the use of UNIX knowledge to make full use of his performance.
This seminar provides information on the history of computer and information so that I know more about this area. This helps to understand this course.

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