Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week 12 Essay: Cyberspace

In today's world, Internet has been constructed in order to decide the fate of the various groups of tools in people's cultural horizons. No doubt, it has also become the key to the definition of the current social and culture. In network world, it seems to interfere with the organization and the "decentralized" features, so that the definition of contemporary culture has an "uncertainty." Then, with the network-based computer applications and practice, what the cyberspace culture should be?
“Cyberspace” was created by William Gibson in his science fiction “Neuromancer” in 1984. Cyberspace designates the imaginary place where virtual objects exist. Its basic meaning refers to it is created by computers and modern communications technologies, and the true real space or a different Internet virtual space. Cyberspace or virtual space is a huge "artificial world" which consists of images, sounds, words, symbols, etc. It is created and supported by computers around of the world, and communications network. (Trend, D 2001,p5-15)
With the global emergence of the Internet, cyberspace is not a science fiction term any more, but as a profound effect on the phenomenon of contemporary life into the everyday experience, media and academic horizon. This suggests that we are asking on the network, spatial concepts, in order to explain the contemporary media culture as effectively as possible to seek perspective.
In this paper, it is argued that cyberspace still relevant to our contemporary society including mass Medias, such as networks and film, and Virtual Space Teleconferencing System.
Gibson’s "cyberspace" tells us that a computer screen has another real space; people cannot see this space, but they know it's there ... ... It is a true activity field, and almost like a landscape. This space not only contains the people’s thinking, but also includes a variety of human-made systems, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality systems, etc.
With the development of film, the film technology is also in leap. The definition of the film is developing in the unusual close link between the film and modern science and technology. More and more films began to appear cyberspace applications. Whatever the virtual people, the virtual scene, or the live image which impossible to appear in the film. The cyberspace’s application riches the manifestation of the film lens, and increases audience interesting of viewing.
A film called “The Lawnmower Man” is the first film based on cyberspace. This film demonstrates the use of virtual technology as a boundless imagination to show a rich fantasy world. This is an innovation of the film; this is a manifestation of application of cyberspace is for further perfecting the film art. Just as the film from black and white to color, and from sound to silence, it is a turning of film development. Because of this turning and the continuous development of cyberspace, we can enter into the multi-element film world. (Xiaoyan Hu 2007, p35-53)

At first, Gibson’s inspiration of creating the word "cyberspace" came from the image of young people fascinated by the large-scale video game as well as the "real space" behind computer screen of sensory stimulation. However, Gibson didn’t quite know the computer technology; but he believed that there is an existence of "some real space" behind those video games on the computer screen. When people immerse in the computer-generated 3D virtual world of time, they enter and immersed in the "cyberspace". (Jia Yan 2oo7, p 1-3)
The virtual world is not realistic, but the effect on the sensory experience is "true", therefore, cyberspace is virtual and also real. Virtual is relative to the real three-dimensional space, and the truth is relative to the feelings in terms of our senses. We can enter into this particular "virtual reality space," and interact with it, in which the physical and geographical sense, through time and space, and even through the history and reality, past and future. Modern computer games turn this "virtual reality space’ into a reality as an example. (
In a virtual space which is created by the computer network, information disseminators and information recipients are expected to become truly equal partners in communication. Virtual Space Teleconferencing System (VST) is a concept that Proposed in recent years. It is a combination product of multimedia conferencing systems and virtual reality technology; it is called "Ultimate Teleconferencing System ".
In ordinary television conference system, participants can hear each other's voices or see images. As for group communication, participants’ talking atmosphere, direction of the speaker’s attention, and eye contact, etc. are all for the strengthening of mutual trust, mutual understanding and to fully express their views are crucial. But these elements only cyberspace is possible. VST has great potential advantages. It would be widely used in military, business meeting, medical, aerospace and other fields, and include people's daily lives, and even changes people's way of life. It can bring our real lives to cyberspace, so that make people’s communication more natural and enriched. (Frank Biocca,Mark R. Levy 1995, p15-37)
To sum up, cyberspace is not a literary metaphor, but a real live structure. Cyberspace has a profound impact on the construction of contemporary society in the world. It is influencing and changing our surrounding environment including film art, network, and new technology VST. In the object of technical aspects, cyberspaces is a communications field, and have a digital description of the world; in subjectivity consciousness aspect, the network space is a perceptual field. As a semantic field, cyberspace has the symbol of social interaction. So it constitutes a trinity of “3I” structure: Internet (Web) / Interface (UI) / Interaction. Cyberspace has the biggest potential advantage is that the interactions between people can be more natural and vivid. It extensively used in military, office meetings, medical, aerospace and other fields, but also people's daily lives, and even change people's way of life.


Xiaoyan Hu 2007, Virtual Technological Impact on Development of Film, East China University Press, Liao Ning.

Jia Yan 2007, Culture & Representations, Commercial Press, Beijing.

David Trend (ed.) 2001, Reading Digital Culture, Blackwell Publishing Press, UK.

Frank Biocca & Mark R. Levy 1995, Communication in the age of virtual reality, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Press, Hillsdale.

Heylighen 1994, ‘Cyberspace’, Principia Cybernetica Web, viewed 16 October 2009,

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week9 Task:essay topic

I will answer topic 2: The idea of the internet as cyberspace has been a part of our contemporary culture for some time, particularly in the popular medium of film. But is the concept of cyberspace still relevant to our contemporary society? Discuss with reference to your own experience of contemporary media.
1. Check some information about cyberspace and contemporary media' culture or history.
2. Using one or two examples to suport argument
3. Searcing acdemic reference on websit and books.( I have not yhink of what material can help me complete my thesis).
I just think of so many so far. To continue its deliberations. . .

week 9 Lecture

This week’s lecture we had a special guest lecturer: Jason Nelson.He did lecture down to the cyber utopia. I know Utopian, but the cyber utopia is the first time I heard, and I'm feeled fresh (because I’m not very interested in network and technology).
The height of the twenty-first century, science and technology development and IT industry, has led to the rise of network information technology revolution, so that communication between people has become more convenient and comfortable. Sitting in front of the computer, a network cable you can sit at home and surf world.

As a result, users of speech forum as a new position is quiet rise of the network world, they give the new generation of avant-garde ideas to novelty, passion, equality, and mystery. We like this feeling, because in here, whether you are a society in which class, in front of the network will be equal, any person who is no privilege at all ... to this point, I am undecided. Network's "Utopia" is such a bar.

The lecture was intresting, and I look forword to next week's leture......

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Week 8 Task

Reading all text on computer, I fee a little halo.

1. Signed an e-petition for the decriminalisation of abortion in Qld (
2. Bus service extension into Freshwater Valley
3. I think Obamaispreparation for the tripartite meeting
4. Julie Attwood ?? I'm not sure because I‘没not really know Australia politics.
5. I googled that Julie Attwood last spoke about regarding Estimates Committees in Parliament 14/07/2009.

My eyes....

week 8 Lecture

This week's lecture talked about cyber-politics and eDemocracy . I had read an article on this subject, called the "E-political development".

cyber-politics - Political Development under the e-government

E-government, as to adapt to new economic patterns and social environment of the product, its traditional political and economic environment in terms of administration compared with a brand-new content and form. Can be said that the information economy and the emergence of electronic networks to facilitate the operation of political and administrative practice will be a revolutionary change. In the e-government such a virtual space, form and content of democracy have undergone great changes. Of e-government an advantage because it can narrow the gap between the implementation of the distance between the public and the government, making the Internet to better serve the civilian population strata, that is,government to make public power down toward folk. EDemocracy- the network form of democracy

Sunday, September 13, 2009

week 7

Week 7 lecture

This lecture iwas talk about free software. "Free" has "freedom"and "free" double meaning, and therefore how to distinguish between free software (libre) and free software (gratis)? The free software movement's founder - Richard Stallman provides the following definition: 'free software is focused on the right to freedom, not price. To learn more about the concept it represents, you should be "free" If you want to be "free speech" rather than "free beer" '. More accurate to say that free software on behalf of computer users have a choice and the freedom of any person in cooperation, with the software they use to control the freedom. In the GNU Declaration (GNU Manifesto) contains Stallman at the start of free software definition of confusion.

Well-known free software

Most of the free software are online (online) publishing, and do not charge any fees; or off-line (off-line) way to release physical, sometimes small additional fees for a minimum of cost (for example: nominal fee), and people can be any price to sell the software. However, free software and commercial software can do it together, because they exist side by side against trafficking in software is a violation of the free software definition.
Users must accept the software, 'software license' to use the software, but in the free software, the most common way to license GPL - GNU General Public License has.

Friday, September 4, 2009

week6 task

This week’s lecture was very informative: it talked about the consumption and production of media.
The turecher talked about the impact of media production. For example, the news media, shopping media, advertising media. As the new technology updates, the way they are produced in varying degrees, have changed. Readers can be found on the Internet, news and more pictures, or links to other articles; consumers of mass media propaganda in the network under the guidance of a new pattern of consumption; different versions of the video clips. This is all thanks to the emergence of new media and its development.

Week 6 Lecture

his week’s lecture was very informative: it talked about

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week 5 Task

I don’t like use MSN or blog to communicate with people, and I’m really sorry that I never go into a 3D world, so I know less about 3Dworld. So after the tutorial and lecture, I googled some information about 3world. Now I would like to talk about my understanding about the task about 3Dworld..
MSN is a communication tool, you can chat online with people you know, and instant messaging. In the 3D social world, its main role is to make you interested in it, and attract your attention to the realization, rather than dialogue and the actual social

Week 5 Lecture

This week’s lecture was all about Web 2.0 and Social Media
The next step of Internet is to ensure all people busy, full weaving, and then use software, the power of the machine to make the information more likely to be those who need to find and browse. If WEB1.0 based on the data as the core of the network, then I think the starting point for human-WEB2.0 Internet. Some recent WEB2.0 products:

Blog: user weaving published new knowledge, and other user content link, and thus very natural organization of the content.

RSS: automatic distribution of user-generated content, will be read

Podcasting: Personal video / audio release / fixed access

SNS: blog and the link between

WIKI: the user to build an encyclopedia of

WEB1.0 task is not previously on the web of human knowledge, through the commerce power to go on the web. WEB2.0 task is to bring these knowledge, each user's browsing through the power of quest for knowledge, collaborative work, knowledge of organic organize themselves in the process to continue to deepen the knowledge and generate new ideas spark;

Now, we are talking about web 2.0 applications are just the initial stage of web 2.0 applications, many web 2.0 applications, business model is still obscure in, web 2.0 advocates are still struggling to find a suitable business model, the only thing we can be sure The web 2.0 is the inevitable trend of development of the Internet, his impact will not be limited to the Internet, it can be to alter the way we live and work

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 4; Scavenger Hunt Tutorial Task

1.What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?
Guess Mask ?

2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?
1969; US

3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
His birthday : 28 October 1955
when he was 17 in high school, for $4,200.

4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?
1973 , DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) developed the TCP/IP protocol suite ;
1989, The "WWW" is invented by Tim Berners-Lee, text only version.

5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?

6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
Parsnip 14 feet, 3 ¾ inches 1990 8 pounds

7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?

8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?sunny ,rainy , ?
the coldest weather since 1954

10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?.
Stephen Stockwell
I searched the brand title in

week4: Tutorial task 2

Usually there will be hundreds of pages of words, then the search engine ranks how to identify your Web site describe the importance of this term? Search engine statistics of the number of words in your page. Those recurring words or phrases are considered some of the more important. Search engine algorithm to make use of its own statistics page for each of you the importance of the word. Keyword and the page number of the ratio of the number of words known as keyword density, which is a search engine optimization strategy for one of the most important factors.
In order to get better ranking, your keyword must appear in the page number, or search engine to allow the framework.
Valuable places has the keyword, when you finished your statistics of how many pages need to keywords, the next step is to consider your keywords on the page where. Prominent search engine keywords is to attract the attention of one of the most important factor. Search engine will focus on a certain part of your page content, in terms of the attention seems part of some words than others to be much more important. This is the so-called "highlight the keywords."
Some of my favourite search engines are google and Baidu.In particular, Google, the world's largest search engine of the machine, is the undisputed world No. 1 , and search time is usually less than half a second.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This radio shows that the future communication totally disconnect with the real world. We can image and experience anything what we hope. New communication in the future.....

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I lived with my family before, and my friends lived close to me, so I prefer to use cell phone to keep in touch. I do not like to send text messages to talk things; phone calls is a more directly way.
In China, QQ system is a popular communicate way, young people prefer to use it. People can type words or Video chat through it.
I open a blog when I was 15 years old, but only a period fresh. I remember that I only wrote 8 pieces, and then I dropped it.
I am comfortable trying new technology.

Monday, August 10, 2009

week 2 Lecture

Computer is from the early development of the electric calculator. In 1945, emerged in the world's first electronic digital computer "ENJAC", used to calculate the trajectory. By the University of Pennsylvania Moore School of Electrical Engineering-made, but it's huge in size and covers an area of more than 500 square meters and weighing about 30 tons, consumed almost 100 kilowatts of electricity. Clearly, the high cost of such computers, the use of the inconvenience. In 1956, the birth of the transistor computer, which is a second-generation computer. Just a few of the cabinets can be a bit more, computing speed is greatly improved. Emerged in 1959 is the third generation of integrated circuit computer.
70s from the beginning of the 20th century, this is the latest stage of computer development. To 1976, by the large-scale integrated circuits and ultra large scale integrated circuit made of the "Craven on the 1st," the computer into the fourth generation. The invention of ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, so that computer continuously towards smaller, miniaturized, low power, intelligent, systematic replacement of direction.
20th century 90's, the computer to the "smart" development, manufacturing, similar to the human brain with computers, can be thinking, learning, memory, network communication and so on.
The 21st century, is a notebook computer, and miniaturization and specialization, speed of operation per second over one million times, not only simple, inexpensive, and can replace part of people's mental and even expanded in some areas people Intelligent. Thus, today's micro-electronic computer was called the image to the computer. The world's first personal computers from IBM introduced in 1981.
Internet began in 1969, is in the ARPA (the U.S. Department of Defense Research Projects Agency) under an agreement to develop the southwestern United States universities (UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles Campus), StanfordResearchInstitute (Research Institute of Stanford University), UCSB ( University of California) and UniversityofUtah (University of Utah)) of the four major computer linking. The agreement of the BBN and the University of Cambridge, MA, at the beginning of December 1969 online. To June 1970, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Harvard (Harvard University), BBN and SystemsDevelopmentCorpinSantaMonica (Santa Monica, California System Development Corporation) to join. To January 1972, Stanford (Stanford University), MIT'sLincolnLabs (Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory), Carnegie-Mellon (Carnegie Mellon University) and Case-WesternReserveU () to join. The months immediately following the NASA / Ames (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Mitre (), Burroughs (), RAND (Rand Corporation) and theUofIllinois (State University) also joined. Growing number of companies after the WTO can not in this list.
In 1968, when Senator TedKennedy (Ted. Kennedy) won the ARPA heard Agreement BBN as an internal message processor (IMP) ", he sent his message to congratulate the BBN won their" inside information processor, "the agreement shown spirit. Internet was originally designed to provide a communications network, even by nuclear weapons to destroy a number of locations can work properly. If most of the direct channel access, routers, communication of information will guide through the middle of the spread of routers in the network.
The initial network is to the computer experts, engineers and scientists use. At that time, was not friendly. That time has not yet home and office computers, and any one of those who use it, whether it is computer experts, engineers or scientists have to study very complex systems. Ethernet LAN ----- majority agreement, appeared in 1974, it is the Harvard University students BobMetcalfe (Bob. Metcalfe) in the "information packet radio network" by-product of the paper. This paper was originally due to insufficient analysis has been rejected by the school. Later, he also added a number of factors, it is accepted.
Since the TCP / IP architecture development, the Internet in the seventies with the rapid development of this architecture is the first BobKahn (Bob. Kahn) put forward in the BBN, and then from Stanford University, Kahn (Kahn) and VintCerf (Winterthur. Cerf) and the seventies of the others further developed. Eighties, DefenseDepartment (U.S. Department of Defense) to adopt this structure, to 1983, commonly used by the world as a whole structure of the system. 1978, UUCP (UNIX and UNIX Copy Protocol) was proposed by Bell Labs in the past. In 1979, based on the UUCP Usenet network system development. News Group (discussion group on a certain theme) followed by development of its world-wide in the exchange of information provides a new approach. However, the news group is not considered to be part of the Internet, because it does not share the TCP / IP protocol, it is connected to the world through the Department of UNIX systems, and many Internet sites have full use of news groups. News Group is the world in the development of the network is a major part of. Similarly, BITNET (a unit of the World Education to connect computer networks) to connect to the World Education Organization on the IBM mainframe at the same time, started in 1981 to provide mail services. Listserv software and other software was developed for the services of the network. Gateway has been developed to connect BITNET and the Internet, while providing e-mail delivery and e-mail discussion lists. These e-mail listserv and other discussion lists formed another development of the Internet an important part.
When the e-mail (e-mail), FTP (file downloads) and telnet (remote login) commands are provided for the standardization, the study and use the network for non-engineers and technicians is very easy to change. Although in any case there is no so easy today, but in the universities and the field is indeed very special to promote the application of the Internet. Other departments, including computer, physics and engineering departments, also found that the benefits of the use of the Internet, that is with the University of communications around the world and share files and resources. Library, but also a step forward so that they can search the directory for the world.
Search the Internet's first achievement was invented in 1989 by PeterDeutsch () and all the members of the McFillUniversity in Montreal created for the FTP site they set up a file, later named Archie. This software can periodically reach all open file download sites, listed in their files and create a searchable index of software. Archie is a UNIX command search order, so that only the use of UNIX knowledge to make full use of his performance.
This seminar provides information on the history of computer and information so that I know more about this area. This helps to understand this course.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


My name is LaAnn Cheng and I come from China. I come to Australia for eight months and it is really a great honor to have this opportunity to meet so many friends from different countries. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my friends and family, almost talk everything.
I like writing, but I don’t often use blog before. From now on, I’ll use this blog to participate in this course.